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1. Before Signing the Contract
Please let us review your contract before you sign it. We can check if there are any special conditions that can be included to give you more of what you want and to protect your interests.
​2. Once you have Signed the Contract
Let us know that the contract has been signed and send us the original copy. We will review the contract, monitor the conditions, obtain the necessary searches, advise on whether you are entitled to any concessions, prepare the necessary transfer documentation and liaise with your financier to ensure a smooth transition to settlement.
Consider seeking an independent valuation
Pay the deposit as agreed
Get a cover note from your insurance company immediately
Book building and pest inspections, also consider whether electrical and pool inspections are necessary
Send a certified copy of the contract to your financier and talk to them about a loan, prepare/send all the documents they request
Call us if your finance approval is subject to major conditions (e.g. valuation or mortgage insurance approval)
Let us know once building/pest/other reports and finance approval have been received
Pay stamp duty/legal costs​
​3. Pre-settlement
Arrange through the selling agent to inspect the property during the week pre-settlement. The seller must not have done anything to significantly alter the property that will result in latter expense to the buyer.
4. Settlement
Settlement is the day that you take possession of the property, as stipulated in the contract. We attend to settlement on your behalf. It is not usual for the Seller or the Buyer to attend settlement. When settlement has occurred the agent will give you the keys. We will prepare the necessary documentation to notify the following entities about the ownership change:
Other relevant government departments, such as the Titles Office and Commissioner for Land Tax
Body corporate (if applicable)​
​It is your responsibility to arrange for connection of:
Below is a simple guide that covers the main costs involved in buying residential property:
Finance fees and charges: administration/application/valuation fees, stamp duty, registration fees on transfer and mortgage, mortgage insurance (if borrowing more than 80% of the property value)
The deposit (generally 10%)
Building/pest/other inspections
Council rates, sewerage and access charges and water
Body corporate levies (if applicable)
Solicitor: contact us directly for an obligation free quote

1. Before Entering into a Contract
Please let us review your contract before you sign it. We can check if there are any special conditions that need to be included in the contract and ensure the contract meets all of the necessary legislative requirements for it to be a valid contract. We are able to obtain the necessary information including documents of interest for a buyer and their advisors to ensure information recorded on the contract is correct.
2. Preparing the Contract
Bespoke Legal Group have prepared forms of contract suiting a wide range of Queensland property transactions including for houses and land, units, auctions and off-the-plan sales. We are able to ensure that the contract terms and conditions will be to your best advantage.
3. The Signed Contract
Once the contract of sale is signed you should contact your lender to advise them that the property has been sold. They will then arrange a release of your mortgage. We will also liaise with your lender, requesting the payout figure for your mortgage and organise the settlement.
If you have any tenants required to vacate the property, we will ensure they are given the right notice.
4. Pre-Settlement
During the week before settlement, the buyer is entitled to inspect the property and will expect that the property has not been significantly altered.
The inspection will be organised through the agent.
5. Settlement
Settlement is the day that the buyer takes possession of the property, as agreed to in the contract, and any mortgage is paid out. You need to have vacated the property by this time. We attend the settlement on your behalf. Following settlement, the buyer will collect the keys from the agent and we will collect a cheque for the balance of monies due and can bank it for you or arrange a cheque.
It is your responsibility to arrange final readings for:
Below is a simple guide that covers the main costs involved in selling residential property:
Financier: release documentation fees
Solicitor: contact us directly for an obligation free quote
Removalist: if there is anything to be moved out of the property
Agent: commission and advertising (agents will deduct commission from the money held, refunding the balance directly to you